Friday, May 14, 2010

Seems like one of those... few Months

So Today being Friday it started out as any normal Friday. Then got a text from me wife that Her Grandma was not going to make it. So it has been a very emotional day for family. All the Memories I have of my wife's Grandma are all full of love. She spent her whole life loving God and Loving others. She went out of her way for others and ask for nothing in return.

Love has been on my mind a lot lately. What is love, what does love look like, and looking for Love in everything, and everyone. it is amazing to see God's love in every simple thing, all the way up to the big things. You see love in Friends, Family, strangers, and much more. Sometimes love is to hard to describe. The more and more I feel Gods love inside me, flowing through me it is so much different then the love we see and feel in our relationships here on earth. As we is flows in us and out of us to others we start to see it all around. In His creation, in others. it is funny as I am writing this I am watching Star Wars, I think of the Force and that it is everywhere and in everything. Like Gods Love it is everywhere and in everything. I think that we see this when we are open to what God is trying to show us. I strive everyday to live a life that is full of His love and is pleasing in His Eyes. I see others doing this, and it is encouraging. We are not alone, we all want something more something more then religion, more then tradition, more then just a Church Building. They want something they can't fully describe. They want His love, I want This Love.

Love its contagious Spread it.