Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Today is Fathers Day. My first Fathers day (even though Jadon won't come into the world until October). Looking ahead I wonder how good of a Father am I going to be? I am so blessed to have an amazing father that has always been there for us kids no matter what. That has put God first in our family. I remember growing up and waking up early and finding my dad making coffee and reading his Bible everyday. My dad worked hard to provide for the family, but is wasn't how much money he made. He put following what God had planned for him. It was never easy, I know for him, and sometimes for the family. It was all worth it though and He continues to follow God's lead is his life. I hope that I will be this kind of Dad. A dad that sacrifices for his family, that will lead his family in the path that God has laid out for us. That I will be a loving Dad. A dad that seeks God more then anything else. A dad that provides spiritually.

I am so blessed to be apart of an amazing community of Believers at Desperation Church. There are so many men (fathers) at our church that have shown love, sacrifice, and their life experiences that have brought them to where they are today. I feel like not only do I have one father on earth and one Heavenly Father, but I have dozens. That I have men to look up to. Men that are only a phone call away if I need something. I hope and pray that I would be this kind of man of God, that I would be this kind of Father and husband to my family.

Happy Fathers day to my incredible dad, and all the other Dads that are leading their families in the way that God is calling them.